Detox FootbathYonemoto Physical Therapy offers detox footbaths by appointment. We use the ionSpa® at our office.
Why Detoxification is Important We live in a society fraught with pollutants and toxins—natural and synthetic. They exist in our air, water, food, clothing, and the environments in which we live work, play and sleep. As a result, our bodies are depleted of crucial life-giving elements, leaving us to feel drained of energy or unable to heal naturally from illness, injury or medical procedures. Water is a critical resource. It covers two-thirds of the Earth’s surface and 80% of the human body is comprised of water. It’s in the fluids we drink, the air we breathe, the foods we consume and it is the medium by which we cleanse ourselves. Aside from being the wellspring and sustainer of all life, it is also a living thing. When monitored, a glass of water can be found to produce an electrical charge of up to five volts. Additionally, if the water is healthy, the voltage reading will fluctuate and change over time. This bioelectric energy is notably absent when the water is distilled or run through a reverse-osmosis process; one needs only drink a glass of tap water that has just actively traveled through pipes into a glass in comparison to a glass of distilled water to acknowledge this difference. Since ancient times, people have bathed in natural springs and reported experiencing healing benefit for many ailments. Resorts and health spas around the world maintain their popularity because bathing in springs—hot, cold or mineral—has undisputed therapeutic effects, including: improved circulation, increased relaxation and, as a result, relief from symptomatic or chronic pain. The ionSpa® ionizes water to detoxify the body and recreate the therapeutic experience found naturally in the world’s most reputed spas. How It Works An ion (as found in the ion foot bath is a charged atom that has gained or lost an electron, thus creating a magnetic field capable of neutralizing oppositely-charged particles (toxins in the human body). The ionSpa®’s control head delivers an electrical current through the ionizer® array to generate positively charged ions. These ions travel through the body and attach themselves to toxic substances, thereby neutralizing these toxins negative charges. After being neutralized, toxin particles are pulled through the skin and out of the body via osmosis, attracted by the highly concentrated ion field in the ionSpa® water. When the ionSpa® is set, positive ions are being produced in the water, which raises the user’s pH to a more alkaline state. Why is this significant? The vast majority of people in the United States live in an acid state—their bodies contain an excess of hydrogen ions and their pH is lower than 7.45. Such persons greatly benefit from exposure to high concentrations of positively charge ions, bring their bodies back into a more balanced acid-alkaline state. What to Expect from a Session Most users can expect to feel lighter and experience a greater feeling of well-being following each ionSpa® session. Increased vitality, improved sleep, rejuvenated skin condition, pain and stress relief, and symptomatic relief from painful, swollen or deteriorating joints has also been reported. Though neither serious nor persistent, tingling or tightening sensations in various parts of the body, discomfort in unhealthy areas of the body, or a light shortness of breath has also been reported at the conclusion of a session by various ionSpa® users. Several people have reported a “diaper rash” like condition on their feet after sessions. This will subside after a few sessions. It is caused by toxins being removed from the body. Rubbing alcohol and Benadryl® will relieve the itching. Precautions If any of the below apply to you, the detox footbath is not recommended for you.
If you have kidney problems, a medical release by your physician is required. Call our office at (626) 576-0591 for additional information or to schedule your appointment. The cost is $30.00 for a footbath or $100 for 5 footbaths*
*Sessions can be split between two people. |
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