WorkSTEPS® for a Healthy & Safe WorkplaceYonemoto Physical Therapy can save your company $1000s in workplace injury costs!
Preventing movement disorders and fixing work related injuries before they cost the company compensation, lost time, and lost production has a significant impact on a company’s success. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average workplace injury costs about $10,000. For this reason health and safety at work takes on a high priority for most companies. We offer WorkSTEPS® for pre-offer & post-offer employment testing and functional capacity evaluations to help reduce work related injuries and costs. Overview of WorkSTEPS® Testing:
Benefits to Employers
Core Components of Testing:
By providing health and safety at work and by utilizing the WorkSTEPS® program, employees learn how to be responsible for doing no harm to themselves. Save your company money and lost time, revenue, and production!
For more information about the WorkSTEPS® program visit the WorkSTEPS® website or call our office at 626-576-0591. |
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Check out my blog for new health and wellness articles. My archived articles published in the Around Alhambra, Rafu Shimpo, and other newspapers can also be found here. Learn tips on how to prevent, relieve or even eliminate your movement disorder. Get Connected |