Integrative Manual Therapy | A Hands–On Physical Therapy ExerciseFind out how Integrative Manual Therapy can help you today!
Call our office at 626-576-0591 for a free consultation. We can also provide free insurance verification before your first visit. This physical therapy exercise is best described as a holistic health care treatment. Its approach to pain relief is unique, as it takes into account all the components of the body. It restores the body’s natural ability to heal itself and stay healthy without invasive treatments, surgery or drugs. While IMT is a hands-on technique, its premise is that the body operates as a whole and that all the systems of the body seek to protect it in order to reach health & wellness.
Yonemoto Physical Therapy Services is proud to offer Integrative Manual Therapy. Special thanks to the Institute of Integrative Manual Therapy and Diagnostics for providing the following information. You can visit their website to learn more about Integrative Manual Therapy and how it can help you. What is Integrative Manual Therapy? Integrative Manual Therapy is a powerful technology that yields profound results in returning the human body to optimal health. With nearly two decades of successful case studies, this unique science brings deep, long-lasting results to the challenges of habilitation, rehabilitation and illness. Integrative Manual Therapy is health-care technology for the 21st century. When one thinks of advances in medical technology, the first images that leap to mind are often of cold, expensive machines or billion-dollar research under the microscope. While such models certainly have their place, they can often be enhanced or even obviated by Integrated Manual Therapy. This totally non-invasive, medication-free modality uses the most basic of tools — human hands — to support the body’s innate wisdom to heal itself. How It Works It should actually come as no surprise that one of the most advanced technologies for achieving optimal health is organic in nature. After all, the human body itself is an amazing technology infinitely more advanced than the computer, television, cell phone and other pinnacles of modern science put together. One of the body’s most amazing attributes is its ability and propensity to heal itself. (Witness the healing of a simple cut.) Most health problems”whether minor or chronic”simply come down to blockages and other dysfunction that prevent various aspects of the body from self-healing. These might be traits that we are born with or caused by an accident. Also, the body’s immune and filtering systems can get so overloaded by an environmentally-challenged world that they can no longer process the build-up of toxins. These are just a few of the more common examples. The fundamental premise of Integrative Manual Therapy is locating the causes of these dysfunction and reopening the body’s natural lines of communication. Once this inherent flow is reestablished, the body’s innate healing abilities also return to optimum. This non-invasive philosophy of Integrative Manual Therapy is a true embodiment of the medical oath of “First do no harm”. Integrative Diagnostics Our Integrative Diagnostics process employs an intimate knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology and other human functionality. Our practitioners are trained to look beyond the overt manifestation to find the true origins of a given client’s health issues. We begin working with a client in a subjective interview where we learn about the individual’s history, functionality, symptoms and goals. During this process, clients naturally tend to speak of previous conventional diagnoses and common disease “labels”. Two clients may exhibit similar symptoms or classic diagnoses, yet those attributes may emanate from two completely different sources. Integrative Diagnostics is designed to reveal the root of each individual’s health challenges. The body is always speaking volumes of information that provide incredible diagnostic tools. Integrative Diagnostics focuses on listening to that information. As a simple example, each system in the body has its own unique circadian rhythm”a more subtle version of the way in which the vascular system presents a distinct heartbeat for diagnosis. Integrative Manual Therapy practitioners utilize advanced, yet gentle palpation techniques to “listen” with their hands to all of these rhythms. In doing so, they determine whether each system is in optimum flow or suffers anomalies and impediments. Of course, the work is much more complex than that. The palpation techniques employed in Integrative Diagnostics also aid the practitioner in revealing a great deal of information about the health and functionality of all parts of the body including the fascia, lymphatic system, organs, muscles and bones. Key to these techniques is the fact that ailments appearing to be obviously related to one area of the body are often actually “referred” from other parts. This results from the body’s tendency to give priority to protecting the most important systems such as the heart and brain. As an example, if an influence such as stress or infection is attacking the heart, the body will protect the area around the heart at the cost of stressing another, less critical systems. Hence, a chronic neck or back pain may actually be evidence that the heart is being protected and therefore the area in need of attention. Integrative Diagnostics is extremely effective at revealing how dysfunction in one body system can negatively impact other systems. The results of Integrative Diagnostics are evaluated along with “functional medicine” test results, nutritional counseling and other contemporary modalities. We combine all of this information with nearly two decades of successful client case studies to yield an individualized treatment plan for each client. Integrative Manual Therapy in Action Once a treatment plan has been designed, one or more Integrative Manual Therapy practitioners begin implementing it. The length and exact nature of the treatment depend on the unique results of Integrative Diagnostics for each client. Patients also play an important role in the effectiveness of their healing process, including their willingness to do assigned “homework” on themselves and implement dietary and lifestyle changes. While Integrative Manual Therapy is a hands-on technique, it is distinctly different from other modalities such as massage or classic physical therapy. Patients remain fully clothed. Gentle pressures, extensions and rotations are systematically applied to release blockages and other dysfunction. The treatment process is as powerful, yet subtle and non-aggressive as the diagnostics process. Equally important, Integrative Manual Therapy encourages the body to continue to work on itself even after a session. Integrative Manual Therapy encompasses, to date, approximately 20,000 individual yet interrelated techniques that encourage the body to heal itself in various ways and levels. Those individual techniques are organized into systems designed to return specific body components to optimal health. Various systems, in turn, are incorporated into one or more protocols that become part of a client’s treatment plan. In practice, these protocols may appear to have little or nothing to do with the obvious problem the body is presenting. Yet this systems approach is key to attaining and maintaining optimal health. An illness often manifests from a series of events that cause dysfunction on multiple levels. One such dysfunction may mask another until cleared in the course of Integrative Manual Therapy treatment. During therapy sessions, practitioners continually revisit the Integrative Diagnostics process in order to assess and treat newly revealed layers of dysfunction. Utilizing these interrelated techniques, practitioners are able to address the multiple issues that often affect a client’s health. Find out how Integrative Manual Therapy can help you today!
Call our office at 626-576-0591 for a free consultation. We can also provide free insurance verification before your first visit. |
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