TendinitisTendinitis affects people of all ages, but it is most common in adults age 40 and older. Tendons are the soft tissues that connect a muscle to bone. Because the muscles are constantly putting strain on the tendons as they move, they can become inflamed or irritated. This inflammation and irritation can occur in any muscles in any part of the body.
Ask your doctor if you experience
Areas Commonly Affected
Why Try Physical Therapy A physical therapist is highly trained to identify the contributing factors to tendinitis. They can help restore mobility and function of the tendons and joints that are involved. A personalized treatment program may include stretching, strengthening, range of motion exercises, heat/cold therapy, ultrasound, and other modalities to help decrease the pain and break up calcium deposits. Manual therapy may also be provided to help aid with healing and improve flexibility. Find out how physical therapy can help with your arthritis today!
Call our office at 626-576-0591 for a free consultation. We can also provide free insurance verification before your first visit. |
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