ProductsPhysical Therapy Tools
Do you have the tools to make your treatment program a success? For your convenience we carry several products that you are currently using in your physical therapy treatment sessions. Ask your therapist or see Finance, our patient care coordinator, for more information. We have the following in our store:
"Often as a health professional, my role has been to help you recover from illness or disease, but now more than ever, we must first guide you to staying well.
Over the years, I have discovered that the most common source of my patients' symptoms come from chronic stress, being overweight, poor dietary habits, and sleep deprivation. We invite you to learn how the new science of nutrition and genetics, along with supplements, can help you achieve a new state of mental and physical well being." –Sheila Yonemoto Nutritional Supplements
To help you, we offer several nutritional products in the Metagenics™, NutraMetrix™ and doTERRA® line at our office. If you would like additional information, you can call our office at 626-576-0591 for more details. |
Sheila's B logI focus on the topics you care about most.
Check out my blog for new health and wellness articles. My archived articles published in the Around Alhambra, Rafu Shimpo, and other newspapers can also be found here. Learn tips on how to prevent, relieve or even eliminate your movement disorder. Get Connected |